Releasing dead ends

It’s a big day today: Pink full supermoon, Hanuman’s birthday, haircut day. A day to remove and release the dead ends.

Hanuman is the monkey god who released Sita from the clutches of the demon king, Ravana in the Hindu epic ‘Ramayana’. Hanuman symbolises strength, courage, devotion, release from ego and fears.

During the last lockdown, Hanuman appeared often during my meditation and prayers; with his chest ripped open and Ram & Sita residing in his heart.

As I pondered what message he had to give, I realised that the name Hanuman looks like ‘human’.

The depiction of Ram & Sita in the Hanuman/human heart can be seen as a symbol of devotion to the energies that create the whole of this Universe. Consciousness, personified as masculine & creation, personified as feminine.

These polarities exist in all of us. Our goal being the upliftment and balance of them for wholeness and peace to reside in our heart.

As we heal and balance our inner world, we heal and balance our outer world.

We create new realities of being, living and doing that help us all, not just a few. We remove and release our outer dead ends; our outdated ,divisive and controlling systems and structures.

Ram is an avatar of Vishnu, who represents the canvas of consciousness or field of potential that exists everywhere. Sita is an avatar of Lakshmi, representing the manifest force or ‘shakti’ that creates all life.

When Hanuman rescues Sita from Ravana, he is rescuing the creative life force from the ‘demon’ or lower ego.

We are now tasked with rescuing our creative life force from the lower ego states of fear, lack, and separateness that have distorted our worldview for a long time.

When the creative life force is exalted and flowing in higher awareness / consciousness, it is balanced, whole, peaceful.

It is the love force of our hearts, connecting us to each other and our Earth. It is humanity.

Happy Birthday, Jai Hanuman & happy pink full moon


Running from love