
This year the longest light is shining onto some deep masculine / father wounds within me. No surprise, as the sun is a fiercely divine masculine energy. My bleed has also arrived today, inviting release of these wounds. My womb, the fiercely nurturing mother. I'm in awe and honour of this timing.

I hope you can honour this sacred Solstice day however you feel called - walk in nature, sit around a fire (or BBQ!), dance, journal, offer to the Earth - whether this day of the sun is drenching you in joyous light or illuminating + healing that which is in the shade. Or both.

Much Solstice love & Reiki blessings

Bansree x

The Sun: the Son: the Father

Sometimes the Sun feels too strong for me
This divine masculine light

The divine light, too bright
It's heat too intense
Making me wilt

Sometimes I feel beaten by the masculine
Unable to bear the divine version
Not even understanding it

Only knowing the distorted one
Within me, in others, in the world

No coincidence that on this Solstice
My father wounds are hammering at my door
And my feelings of being abandoned by the masculine
Are wide fucking open

On this Solstice
I don't need sun block
I need to bathe my skin, my cells, my energy in delicious unfiltered masculine warmth
Let it inside me

Inside all of us

Can we ask ourselves to not fear it?
But to move towards it
The way sweet flowers move so they can unashamedly love the sun


Running from love